
June 17, 2024

My book "Heartbeats Across Borders" is available now on! Be sure to get your copy! And sign up for my mailing list.

Image of the cover of the book of short stories titled


A Collection of Short Stories

image of cover of the book titled

Heartbeats Across Borders

Two hearts, two countries, one love

There are 435 blogs for your enjoyment.
Encarnación sign along the waterfront, costañera, across from the Super Seis supermarket.

My South America Journey - A Brief Summary - Part 2

Dec. 26, 2024

Traveling through South America gives you an interesting exploration of many different cultures, histories, and languages. Having visited and lived in multiple countries across the continent, I've come to appreciate the distinct variations not just in accents, but also in everyday language, as influenced by the region's colonial past, European immigration, and indigenous cultures.

Encarnación sign along the waterfront, costañera, across from the Super Seis supermarket.

half marathon

Dec 13, 2012

Well, I did the half-marathon run. But not the official race. I was going to do the official race but the weather turned out to be right near freezing that morning, so instead I waited till the afternoon when it warmed up a bit and I went out in my own neighborhood and ran the half-marathon distance. My time was 2 hours 5 minutes and some seconds, which would coincide with about 25th or thereabouts in the official race. That's not bad for my first and only half-marathon run. At this time I have no plans on doing another, I'll just go back to running 5 miles a day. And biking to work.

Encarnación sign along the waterfront, costañera, across from the Super Seis supermarket.

Training for a half-marathon

Aug 5, 2012

So I set myself a goal - run a half-marathon. On Dec 9 is the Tucson Marathon. I set myself a goal of running the half-marathon. At first my goal was simply to finish in the alotted time, whatever that is. So I started running more than I had been, no problem with that. As I increased my running I also started to increase the time and distance. Just a little each time out. Maybe another half mile or so each session. I wrote myself a training schedule that would get me to 13.1 miles in mid-November, which would be right on the money for the race.

Encarnación sign along the waterfront, costañera, across from the Super Seis supermarket.

New job, new apartment

May 28, 2012

I got 'released' from the job at FSUSA, for no reason, just 3 days before the 90 day mark. I don't know why. In the almost 3 months I was there they had been very happy with my job and given me several pay raises. Then one day they just said 'goodbye'.

About 2 weeks after that I got a job at Camping World. It was supposed to be a temp job, seasonal. But the day after I started my boss quit. That changed my job to full time, that was nice of him, heheh. He gave no reason for quitting, just simply walked out.

Encarnación sign along the waterfront, costañera, across from the Super Seis supermarket.

Another new job - Yay!

Mar 13, 2012

Since my last full time job at FSUA, and being 'released' for no reason, I was out of work for a couple weeks. I then got a job with a washing company called Wascho Int'l, they wash fleet vehicles. I did that for a week, then was offered a job at Camping World. I started that job last night. Worked a late shift as we were making changes to some of the store shelvs and displays. I think I'm gonna like this job - I stay very busy during the entire shift so the time goes by fast.